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Draft 2024 Comprehensive Plan

Notice is hereby given that on December 10, 2024, the Town Council will hold a regular meeting at Town Hall at 4:00 PM.

**At this meeting, the following topics will be discussed:**

8.1      2025 Grind and Overlay Project – Project Obligation Documents


8.2      2024 Budget Amendment

  1. Adopt Ordinance 757


8.3      Mayor Compensation

  1. Adopt Ordinance 758


8.4      Establishing a Transportation Benefit District

  1. Public Hearing
  2. Adopt Ordinance No. 760


8.5      2025 Final Budget

  1. Adopt Ordinance No. 759


8.6      Comprehensive Plan Adoption

  1.   Adopt Ordinance No. 761


8.7      Appoint Mayor Pro Tem


8.8      City of Bellevue Franchise Agreement


Members of the public may participate in person at Town Hall or by phone/online. Individuals wishing to call in remotely who wish to speak live should register their request with the Deputy Clerk at 425-454-6994 or email [email protected] and leave a message before 3:30 PM on the day of the Council meeting. Wait for the Deputy Clerk to call on you before making your comment. If you dial in via telephone, please unmute yourself by dialing *6 when it is your turn to speak. Speakers will be allotted 3 minutes for comments. Please state your name (and address if you wish.) You will be asked to stop when you reach the 3-minute limit. Councilmembers will not respond directly at the meeting or have a back-and-forth exchange with the public, but they may ask staff to research and report back on an issue.


Join Zoom Meeting

Or call in (audio only)

1-253-215-8782 United States, Seattle

Meeting ID: 874 4885 7807#

Passcode: 003808


Your attendance is always encouraged.

Thank you.