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Current Town Initiatives

Comprehensive Plan Update

During the January 2023 Yarrow Point Town Council Meeting, the Council directed the Town Planner to provide regular updates on the ongoing efforts to update the Town’s Comprehensive Plan.

The Town Planner is reviewing preliminary checklist results with the Regional Planning Assistant at the Department of Commerce, and communications to that end are ongoing. The planning team is also reviewing the Puget Sound Regional Council’s Plan Review manual to ensure full cooperation and coordination with regional planning authorities. Work on public outreach also began with discussing desired goals and focuses with the Planning Commission during the January Special Meeting.

Further outreach and engagement will begin as the team plans on adding Comprehensive Plan Update information to the Yarrow Point website, sending out information in the newsletter, and coordinating a mailer campaign to inform residents of this process and the public’s role therein. This effort will occur as the team also begins a coordinated effort to bring the existing Comprehensive Plan to a baseline level of compliance through chapter-wise reviews.


2023 TYP Stormwater Manual and Standards Update

The 2014 TYP Stormwater Drainage Guidelines are based in part on methodologies from the outdated 1992 King County Surface Water Design Manual. Since 1992, surrounding jurisdictions have adopted more recent versions of the King County Surface Water Design Manual or the Department of Ecology’s Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington with a prepared addendum to address any specific deviations. Additionally, the 2010 TYP Standard Plans and Notes need to be updated. The Town Council approved Gray & Osborne, Inc’s to provide updates to the Town’s Stormwater Drainage Guidelines and Standard Plans and Notes at the January 10, 2023 regular Town Council meeting.

Gray & Osborne has experience updating these review and planning tools and the final product will be one that:
· Reflects current stormwater design methodologies and best management practices.
· Updates outdated TYP standard plans document to incorporate past 10+ years of changes.
· Cross references our current planning documents (ie. Yarrow Point Municipal Code, permit and inspection
procedures, etc.) to verify they correspond with each other.
· Corresponds with the 2024 TYP Comprehensive Plan updates.
· Allows for easier plan review.

Town staff expects a draft of the two documents by May 15, 2023.


Yarrow Point Residents

The Town Wide Stormwater and UGC Project is underway!  It is the Town's goal to publish a project update every Wednesday afternoon throughout the duration of the project.  Thank you in advance for your patience as we work together to get the overhead lines placed underground.

Update for Wednesday 7/10/2024

Fury Site Works completed the stormwater work on 94th Ave NE and the majority of NE 40th St.  They are now installing a new storm line on NE 38th Street.  The work is progressing from downstream (NE 38th/ 92nd Int'x) to upstream (NE38th/ 94th Int'x) along the north side of the street and will last until next Thursday 7/11/24.  The following residents will be directly impacted by this work:

  • 9207 NE 38th St
  • 9218 NE 38th St
  • 9228 NE 38th St
  • 3800 92nd Ave NE
  • 3805 94th Ave NE

Additionally, Fury has a second crew working at isolated sites through the project limits (94th, 38th, and 40th) to:

  • install large PSE and Lumen vaults
  • perform a stormwater repair near 3824 94th Ave NE 
  • adjust a side sewer line near 3834 94th Ave NE
  • finalize the storm connections to mainline at the NE 40th/ 95th int'x

Once this work is complete (~Monday 7/22/24), Fury will start the mainline power/phone/cable joint utility trench (JUT).  

JUT work is anticipated to begin at the 94th Ave / 92nd Ave NE int'x and progress south.


Additional Items to note:

As you may have noticed, the right-of-way is getting more and more cluttered.  Fury will have the majority of underground vaults and conduits needed for the full conversion delivered by this Friday.  I realize this is very inconvenient to all of you in the project limits, but please be patient as we aim to get this material in the ground as soon as possible.


Fury is working 10 hour days, Monday through Thursday.  However, in the event of a holiday (such as 7/4/24) they may work Fridays.  

Heavy construction equipment will be traveling up and down the entire corridor, so please continue to park all vehicles on private property. Also, there are no full road closures planned, but please be proactive and plan ahead for potential delays if you see the contractor may be actively working in your area.  The contractor is delaying traffic up to the allowed 15 minutes in order to load trucks so please avoid 9200-9400 NE 38th Street for the next 5 working days if you can.

Contractor parking restrictions will be strictly enforced.  Each construction project is subject to a parking plan and Yarrow Point will be enforcing it daily.  Violations to the contractor's approved parking plan are subject to fines and/ or a STOP work order.

The contractor is providing daily traffic control including:

    1. signage, steel plates, and temporary asphalt to protect the trench at the end of each work day
    2. posting a staff member at both ends of the construction zone to notify drivers of the work ahead, or the delay expected
    3. escorting pedestrians through the active work zone

No interruptions to gas, water, or other utility services are anticipated.  However, if you do experience impacts to any services, please reach out to the appropriate service provider first and then to the town as soon as possible.  You can send me a text message or you can reach out to Austen Wilcox, Deputy Clerk via email

Eagle Activity and Permit Conditions:

The town is excited to report the adult eagles occupying the nest on 9415 NE 40th Street have three new babies!!  The town has obtained the required review and applicable permit from the US Fish and Wildlife Department in order to proceed with the stormwater and undergrounding work on NE 40th Street adjacent to the property with the active nest. The USFW permit conditions include a 100-foot buffer around the active nest (meaning no work can occur within 100 feet of the nest while the young are present in the nest), and a prohibition on work between two hours before sunset to two hours after sunrise (which allows for work windows between approximately 7:10am-7:10pm). The contractor is aware of these permit restrictions, and town staff will continue to work closely with the contractor to ensure these permit conditions are followed as the stormwater and underground work proceeds.


Stacia Schroeder, PE

Yarrow Point – Town Engineer

Phone: 206-276-8922
