Trails Master Plan
The Town of Yarrow Point is blessed with an abundance and variety of outdoor recreational space for the enjoyment of our citizens. The intent of the Trails Master Plan, or “Plan,” is to define a comprehensive network of existing and future pedestrian pathways to further enhance the quality of life and benefits these outdoor spaces bring to our community.
Points Loop Trails
Connection with the larger local and regional network is available via the existing Points Loop Trail and the expansion of the Bicycle-Pedestrian Path included within the redeveloped SR- 520 corridor provides important environmentally friendly travel alternatives.Under the guidance of the Town Park Board, Council and Planning Commission, the Plan has been prepared to provide a basis for trail projects in coming years. Furthermore, it is the intent of this study to have a legacy effect on the community and we encourage the inclusion of this study into the next revision to the Town’s Comprehensive Plan to strengthen its efficacy. We thank fellow citizens of King County whose commitment to the value of parks and trails made this study possible through funding assistance provided by the 2007 voter approved King County Parks Proposition 2 that promotes “open space and trails for cities.”