3806 95 Ave NE Public Notice #20-8203Download
Indoor Mask Requirement 8-23-2021Download
Notice is hereby given that on August 17, 2021, the Town Council will hold a virtual Executive Session at 12:00PM. The agenda is attached.
For those who are interested in reading the arborist report regarding the hazardous right of way (ROW) tree located adjacent to address 3829 95th Ave…
Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, July 27, the Town Park Board will hold a special meeting at Town Hall located at 4030 95th…
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, July 26, the Town Planning Commission will hold a special meeting at Town Hall located at 4030 95th…
Pursuant to the Mayor’s July 13 Reopening Proclamation and Governor Inslee’s July 1st Washington Ready Proclamation No. 20-25.14, Town Hall reopened July 14, 2021 at…
Notice is hereby given that on July 13, 2021, the Town Council will hold a regular meeting at 7:00pm. With the passage of the Town’s…