Sept 20, 2021 Public Hearing NoticeDownload
The tree located in the Town right of way adjacent to property 3829 95th Ave NE is scheduled to be cut down due to hazardous…
Notice is hereby given that on September 14, 2021, the Town Council will hold a regular meeting at 7:00pm. The complete Council packet can be…
Notice is hereby given that the Hearing Examiner of the Town of Yarrow Point will conduct a virtual Public Hearing to discuss and act upon…
Notice is hereby given that on September 9, 2021, the town will hold a virtual meeting to discuss with the Town Arborist, Park Board Chairman…
3806 95 Ave NE Public Notice #20-8203Download
Indoor Mask Requirement 8-23-2021Download
Notice is hereby given that on August 17, 2021, the Town Council will hold a virtual Executive Session at 12:00PM. The agenda is attached.
For those who are interested in reading the arborist report regarding the hazardous right of way (ROW) tree located adjacent to address 3829 95th Ave…