Morningside Park
Morningside Park provides a unique opportunity to expand the trail system and diverge from the paved trails along 92nd onto soft surface trails leading down a forested hillside accessing the eastern shoreline of Lake Washington. There is currently no access to the water from the site due to the extent of the lake fringe wetland. Developing trails on the site will provide opportunities for recreation, education and stewardship.
The park is approximately eight acres and currently includes the Town Hall, a small parking lot for nine cars, a sport court, an informal event lawn with informal pathways, and a service drive accessing the lower level of the building.

In 2012 the Town contacted the Friends of the Cedar River Watershed (FCRW) to assist with a community outreach and engagement campaign to implement a vegetation management plan. The main goal of the plan is to control invasive plants on the site and guide restoration efforts to bring back and preserve a diversity of native flora. Several community work parties were held in the past five years to begin this effort. The Town has focused on eradication of invasive species, planting of native plants, and tentative conversation regarding a trails system for residents and visitors alike.