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Notice is hereby given that on April 14, 2020, the Town Council will hold a regular meeting starting at 7:00pm to discuss the following topics in the attached agenda packet.

With the adoption of the Town’s Proclamation of Local Emergency and issuance of the Governor’s Stay-at-Home Proclamation and Open Public Meetings Guidance, Town Hall is closed to the public and Town Council meetings must be held by teleconference or online means.  Accordingly, all Town Council regular and special meetings will be conducted by teleconference/online only.  Members of the public may participate in those meetings by phone/online using the links provided.  However, no contemporaneous public comment will be accepted.  If residents or the public have questions, concerns or comments surrounding the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, other Town business or issues, or the Council agenda, they may submit comments via email or regular mail to to be included in the record. Comments or questions submitted may be addressed at the next scheduled regular Council meeting. 

Below are the options for joining. You can either join through your computer by clicking on the “Join Microsoft Teams Meeting” link, or, dial in with your phone by using the provided phone number and conference ID.

Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

+1 206-485-3849   United States, Seattle (Toll)

Conference ID: 944 220 744#

Your attendance is always encouraged.

Thank you.