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Notice is hereby given that on September 10, 2024, the Town Council will hold a regular meeting at Town Hall at 4:00 PM. The agenda is attached and the complete packet can be found on the Town’s website:

**At this meeting, the following topics will be discussed:**

9.1 – Notice of Infraction Code Amendments (10 minutes)

  1. Ordinance No. 751


9.2 – Comprehensive Plan Update (5 minutes)


9.3 – Middle Housing Survey Presentation Results (5 minutes)


9.4 – On the Rock 98040 LLC Yarrow Heights Short Plan SP 2021-01: 8830 Points Drive NE. (5 minutes)

  1. Public Hearing


9.5 – 2025 Preliminary Budget Discussion (15 minutes)


9.6 – Hazard Tree Mitigation Bond Removal (5 minutes)

  1. Ordinance No. 752


9.7 –Tree Code Incentive Proposal/Comparison (30 minutes)


9.8 – Draft Tree Code Edits and Adoption; (10 minutes)

  1. Ordinance No. 753


Members of the public may participate in person at Town Hall or by phone/online. Individuals wishing to call in remotely who wish to speak live should register their request with the Deputy Clerk at 425-454-6994 or email and leave a message before 3:30 PM on the day of the Council meeting. Wait for the Deputy Clerk to call on you before making your comment. If you dial in via telephone, please unmute yourself by dialing *6 when it is your turn to speak. Speakers will be allotted 3 minutes for comments. Please state your name (and address if you wish.) You will be asked to stop when you reach the 3-minute limit. Councilmembers will not respond directly at the meeting or have a back-and-forth exchange with the public, but they may ask staff to research and report back on an issue.

Join Zoom Meeting

Or call in (audio only)

1-253-215-8782 United States, Seattle

Meeting ID: 859 4858 1313 #

Passcode: 036257


Your attendance is always encouraged.

Thank you.